Importance of Packaging Material For FMCG Products To Look Premium

For any FMCG product, packaging design plays a significant role. Soap packaging is attractive because designers play with many elements, including soap texture and fragrance. Some brands prefer to go with exposing the surface of soap and minimal design on the package. Then we also have brands that like to go for paper or handmade paper for packaging. Irrespective of what packaging a brand chooses, a packaging designer has so many elements to play with that the designer can make the soap look premium.

The selection of products and materials for packaging depends on considering several factors, including product compatibility with material, product shelf life, how the consumer uses the product, and cost or budget.

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DesignerPeople’s take on FMCG product packaging

DesignerPeople conceptualizes and develops packaging that empowers brands and their respective products to stand out in the cluttered market. Backed with more than 18+ years of legacy, DesignerPeople has contributed innovative and out-of-box design to the design packaging industry. We leverage our rich experience in design skills and manufacturing knowledge to create unique consumer experiences for brands within measurable parameters.

We work with many FMCG brands, and we understand various aspects that the brands try to address when it comes to FMCG. DesignerPeople focuses on creating fmcg packaging designs that make top-of-mind recall for brands and connect with consumers personally. Our constant endeavour is to develop cost-effective, robust, simple-to-understand designs that convey brand messaging like never before.

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