Creative Healthy Food Packaging Design for Inspiration

Blog August 3, 2019

Health & wellness branding, health and wellness packaging, health food packaging, health supplement packaging​, healthcare box packaging design, Healthy Food, healthy food brand name ideas, healthy food campaign ideas, Healthy Food Consumer, Healthy Food Packaging, healthy food packaging design, healthy food website design, healthy snacks packaging,

packaging for healthy food consumer

With the growing pollution, population and unhealthy lifestyle, people are getting more and more concerned about their nutrients intake. Due to the enormous and immediate access to all kinds of information people have surprisingly increased their interest in health care. The new generation’s demands for healthy foods and beverages have also changed the visual codes of packaging design. They are bending more towards the products whose packaging show information on their main panel about caloric values, calories intake or other essential product features, such as quantity of nutrients and calcium they provide. This method has emerged as a virtual way to talk to consumers and to influence their mind significantly.


Hospital Branding – A Step Towards Holistic Wellness

Branding July 16, 2019

brand positioning in healthcare, branding is important in healthcare, doctors branding, Health & wellness branding, healthcare branding companies, Helthcare Branding, hospital brand identity, Hospital Branding, hospital branding stratagies, hospital wayfinding signage,


zero pixeal imageRemember that doctor who was having his small clinic in your area, where you have to patiently get in with trust on doctor as if he is god and come out taking all measures he suggests you for your wellness without any criticism. Right? That's because you had faith, and since he was the only one in your area lead you to depend on him also. Good old days were keeping a personal touch with friend’s, relatives instead of techno touch, that always enhanced our knowledge about who is visiting which particular doctor in town? Where did they get treated or people suggesting where one shouldn't visit, word of mouth was a trustworthy source of information.