Creative Juice Packaging Design for Inspiration

Packaging March 9, 2020

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Increasing health-conscious crowd, change in lifestyle, and preferences of audience. Juice fruits are majorly preferred and liked by all age group. As juices are healthy and are associated with the environment care. Since the beginning of the 21st Century, this type of non-alcoholic beverage has high growth, and it has settled down in a very competitive market world sharing the competition with soda and waters.


111+ Creative Beer Label Design Ideas for Inspiration

Blog April 8, 2019

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Beer is one of the oldest and most broadly consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, and the third most popular drink overall after water and tea. One pint of beer on a hot day is indeed refreshing. It is a special drink for many people. Beer is a social drink, and it encourages friendly interactions over a pint. The fun, happy emotions we get after having a cold craft brew relaxes our body and washes away all the stress we get after working a long day. Attractive Pint