Beauty Salon Branding and Marketing

DesignerPeople Branding March 16, 2020

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When we think about Mac-Donalds, Coca-Cola, Google or Apple what comes to your minds first their brand logo of apple, mascots for Mac-Donalds, or Red colour associated with brand Coke, this is how you sense the brand. That's because a brand is more than just a label and logo. The overall


Facebook and Instagram Marketing Guide for Food Brands

DesignerPeople Digital Marketing January 31, 2020

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Traditionally if an ordinary person hears the word "ad's" they will assume it of being a television ad's but not right in today's 21st century. We are staying in an era where we breathe, eat, sleep, along with social media platforms. Millions and tons of people use Facebook and Instagram every day to upload pictures, stories and everything they do and want to share with the audience. Not to forget the role of social media platforms in business, to reach out to your potential clients, customers, and prospects.