
Creative Signage Design turns Audience into buying Customers

Author : , DesignerPeople Blog August 9, 2022

Last Updated on July 16, 2024 by DesignerPeople

Remember the signs and symbols while driving down the street or outside the shops and stores in your locality?

According to a survey, nearly 80% of consumers choose to visit a store after checking out the brand signage or hoarding.

Recently, 60% of businesses worldwide reported that improving and enhancing the visuals of their signage increased sales, transactions and orders per month.

Signage is an incredible tool to deliver your brand’s key message, grab your target customer’s attention, increase brand loyalty and retention, and inspire people to turn into your paying customers!

In addition to that, good-quality visuals are the perfect way to stand out in any saturated market.

The above points clearly say why you should never take a risk with your signage designs.

Choosing a good signage design plays a significant role in the efficiency of your signage.

With the right strategies and creativity, a good branding agency can bring out the most authentic essence of your brand through creative visual designs that are bound to attract consumers in every industry.

So, how does signage contribute to your brand’s success? What are the critical elements of a successful signage design for a brand? 

Let’s get deeper into it and understand how you can use signage for your branding.

Also Read: Innovative Wayfinding Signage Design Inspiration

What is signage & its purpose?

Signage is any graphic visual that conveys information to the audience, promotes it, boosts its identity, gives directions, or raises awareness about the brand.

There are different reasons why brands love building a signage design for their business. Here are just a few:

  1. Starting from the marketing campaigns to the advertisement hoardings. Signage is a full-proof strategy to boost brand visibility and market it to audiences in the most creative way!
  2. As we said, these symbols and signs are the perfect way to persuade customers to enter your store and purchase from your brand, resulting in higher sales and increased brand loyalty.
  3. Signage helps consumers recognise a brand for the longest time, contributing to brand marketing strategies.
  4. It enhances how customers perceive your brand by improving the overall appearance of your brand and its strategies.

Types of Signage Design?

Brands use different signages depending on their brand image and other elements. Here are some fundamental business signages you can get started with.

  • Wall sign

Wall signs are usually placed inside or outside your store or office. The goal is to be as creative as possible here. The more attractive it gets, the higher your chances of pulling more customers to your business.

You can explore different shapes and sizes, add illumination from within or add shining lights around the sign.

Depending on the type of message you want to communicate and the essence of your brand, you can also pair it with a branded or product tagline for your marketing endeavours.





  • Billboards

If you want to advertise your brand through the streets, a great way to leverage your signage is to add it to billboards. Starting from people walking down the road to the ones driving.

Your brand will be up and front advertising the latest launch, growing your business’s traction.







  • Way-finding (informational)

If you have a big store, wayfinding signage design are necessary for your business. These signages have concise information to guide consumers on how to reach your store and shop from it. Usually, large fonts with bold colours are a preferable option here.







  • Street side signage (sidewalk sign)

If you are looking for portable business signage, street-side signage is your ideal choice. Sidewalk Signage is perfect for special announcements, offers, new auditions and the latest insights about your business. The best part is that you have complete flexibility over the placement of your sign.















Why good signage design matter for business branding?

Signage plays an essential role in your business. Presenting your customers with clear, concise, and good-quality branded signage is crucial for your business’s success. In case you are still confused, here are 5 reasons wayfinding signage is necessary for your business branding.

  • Promotes Effective Communication

Signages are perfect for providing customers with clear and concise information about the brand. This is why signage is the ideal way to convey your brand messages, as it consists of all the information you want to communicate without hurting their perception of your brand.

  • Communicates Brand Identity and Character

Your signage should be relevant to your brand identity. You don’t want colourful and funky signage for a luxury ring store, right?

Signage is designed to fit with the brand vision and identity & also reflects the accurate value to the consumers.

  • Raises Brand Awareness

When your signage reflects your brand messaging to the audiences, it raises brand awareness to a great extent. Every person seeing the signage design in front of the store knows about your brand and remembers it. It also ensures that your brand is one of the top purchasing choices.

The goal is to stand out from your competitor’s signages by exploring different colours, fonts and other elements.

  • Reach the Targeted Audience

Your signage is a great way to reach your target audiences, make them know about your brand and influence their purchasing decisions.

While businesses use different marketing strategies to boost their brand visibility, simple yet attractive signage can help confused consumers decide who they want to shop from!

  • An economical marketing strategy

Signage is an extremely cost-effective advertising strategy compared to other advertising strategies out there. It has a one-time upfront cost, resulting in millions of profits over time when implemented accurately – Indeed a worthwhile investment for every business!

Successful Signage Design Steps

Creative signage is carefully crafted to demand attention from the audience. Here are some great tips for designing successful signage to make it stand out from the crowd and captivate the eye from the windows.

  • Verify where your sign is located.

The placement of your signage plays a major role in driving traffic to your business. If you want your signage to be seen by the audience, you need to place it in areas with more consumers, such as busy shopping malls or high-traffic highways. However, this will require brighter and bolder colours to pop to the eyes.

On the other hand, if your signage is present in a quiet atmosphere, conservative colours should be enough to convey your message adequately.

It would help if you also considered the local lighting surrounding your signage in the area.





  • Develop clever contrast

Every brand builds its own signage. But the contrast will make your signage stand out from the rest. Create bright, vibrant, visible and easy-to-read signage that can effectively convey the message to the people.

Choosing high-contrast colour combinations can instantly draw attention, increase readability and makes your brand message harder to miss.





  • Avoid fancy fonts when designing signage

Fancy fonts are a strict no-no for your signage. Sure, frilly and decorative fonts are attractive to the eye, but it can get hard to decipher the message, hurting your brand image.

Instead, focus on crisp, clean and powerful fonts like Garamond, Helvetica, Arial, etc., that command presence in a crowded market and is easy for people to read and decipher.



  • Think about scale and size

The next important element of successful signage has to be the size and scale. Ensure that your single is bright and big to attract the eyes of the consumers from the farthest distances. Ideally, the letters can be 30 inches taller or more to be visible distinctly to the audience.

  • Keep it simple

Avoid using two different fonts in a single design, as this can create confusion. Next, it should be vibrant enough to draw the eye but not distracting enough to sway them away from your brand message. Simplicity is the golden rule for successful signage. Focus on short yet impactful lines that communicate everything about your brand in minimal words.

Utilise the white space strategically, as this is critical to draw the maximum focus to your brand design. For optimal readability, ensure that you have about 30% to 40% white space for your signage









  • Use excellent graphics

Signage is all about visuals. Adding powerful graphics to your design is an incredible way to gain attention and help your signage stand out.

Your graphics don’t have to be too fancy. A simple logo with a powerful quote can make a bigger impact than confusing graphics throughout the signage.

Ensure that you choose images of high resolution. Avoid blurry or pixelated images, as this may represent your brand as cheap or careless.



  • Consult a qualified sign designer when creating signage for your company

The ideal way to create the best signage for your brand is to rely on professionals. Hire a qualified sign designer to help you determine every detail and intricacies of your signage. This will ensure that your signage represents your brand optimally.


The right signage when you design and place it correctly. This is why finding a good branding agency that caters to your signage requirements is essential. This will ensure that you do not spend your time, money and effort on creating signage that may not be able to attract adequate traction.

At DesignerPeople, we have created numerous leading signages for brands currently generating millions of profits annually. We carefully understand, process and work with our client’s expectations and the brand image to represent the truest version of the brand within the signages.

Thus, connect with our branding experts today and witness the sales growth within the next few months by promoting your business with the help of eye-catching and powerful signage design.

Author: Anush Malik


Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.