
Role of Product Branding in Online Brand Promotion

Author: DesignerPeople Blog August 5, 2022

Last Updated on December 2, 2022 by DesignerPeople

The part of product branding in online brand promotion is crucial in terms of sales as it directly impacts the consumer’s mind. Because nowadays, people prefer to see reviews online rather than visit the store.

Nowadays, people do not have much time to visit stores physically.

So branded product becomes crucial to gain the target audience’s attention virtually. Branding also helps in raising the market share and existing sales.

Branding also provides the consumer information about the product and service before going through it manually. Branding is directly proportional to the economy of scale.

What is product branding?

Product branding is a part of the general branding strategy that involves a clever combination of design, messaging, experience, and tactics to uniquely identify a product and differentiate it from the competition in its niche. It is the most granular hierarchy level of the brand architecture and lies at the core of its foundation.

Product branding guide matters a lot as it creates a direct bond with the customer’s feelings and emotions, making the product recognizable better.

Why is it crucial for product success?

Brand building is a crucial element in creating a successful business. So that potential customers and clients can understand the business.


If you do not stand out of the box, customers will be more likely to switch to another brand. For this, take some precautions like being original, targeting your audience, be consistent.


When the potential customers and clients start recognizing the brand and get familiar with it, then slowly and steadily trust builts. Being honest and transparent can win any heart within no time. Even should provide excellent customer service. And also share positive reviews.


Whenever a brand is in demand, it will impact the employees’ morale and motivation. In this way, new hiring takes place not only to retain employees. Writing an explicit mission statement is one of the best ways to describe the function of the business. Showing care towards the employees will leads to a successful business brand.


Stakeholders are integral to many businesses, providing much-needed practical and financial support from the early days and into the future. A company cannot succeed without its stakeholders, and each stakeholder has a different role to play, influencing the direction and success of the business.


When people start investing their emotions in the brand, there will only be better chances of building brand loyalty and boosting the success of your business.

Some companies build emotional connections by highlighting customer pain points used as a business weapon to retain the people’s trust.

How Does Product Branding Benefit in Online Brand Promotion?

Successful product branding benefits your business in several ways.

1. Whenever consumers enter the store, they start facing a massive amount of choice, which leads to brands’ confusion about what to pick and what to not. In this scenario, product branding is the opportunity to make the purchasing decision simpler for them.

For example, specific product branding that focuses on health and wellbeing separates those products from sugary drinks in the food and drink sector.

2. Product brands appeal to a specific market segment, so we can use a different strategy to connect with your target market’s various subsections. Companies like Coca-Cola making sports drinks is a prime example of this. But athletes will find this unhealthy because this separate branding for Powerade appeals to that specific segment.

3. Successful product branding allows us to build excitement and momentum around specific products and a reputation separate from the rest of the company. It creates a distinction between the parent company and the product.

4. When your products don’t live up to expectations, your company’s reputation suffers, which can impact sales of other products. However, if marketed under their brand instead of the umbrella corporate brand, it creates distance. In this way, it separates the parent company from product failures.

5. If there are lots of products under one umbrella name will be incredibly confusing for customers. For example, a recognizable brand like Proctor and Gamble makes various products, from razors to washing up liquid and nappies. It’s essential that these products are all sold under their brand, so customers come to Provide Better Customer service to know precisely what it is that they are buying and what area of the market the brand exists in; this creates market clarity.

Guidelines for Boosting Product Branding to Increase Customer Engagement

Product Branding is essential for any startup trying to get off the ground. A company must protect its brand’s image by keeping it alive. Even marketing strategy plays a vital role in keeping your brand going.

1. Entertain, Educate & Inspire:

Product quality, content and exposure will take your brand to the next level. Educating people about the product brand by giving helpful information to them will more likely attract them to the website and nurture a positive emotional response. Pinterest is a vast platform for inspiring crafty and creative customers, and responding to the creations on social media can be such a powerful tool.

2. Provide Better Customer service:

Customer service is the backbone of an organization because if this service is not up to the mark, there can be a high loss in terms of losing the existing customers and failing to join new customers.

3. Remarketing:

Remarketing targets those primarily interested in the product, even if they are not on the fence about buying it. It can give the little branding push that helps them to press ”BUY”.

4. Smart your Social Media Platforms:

We are in the aura where social media is an excellent weapon in which one can reach the top or bottom in no time because everyone uses it for personal or professional use. Social Media Campaigns can boost the marketing of product brands to an extreme level.

5. Use influencers:

Good Influencers can be proven an asset for the company as they can be very cost-effective. As a result, it impacts the customer’s mind and gives them a direction towards purchasing.

6. Finally, Enhance your packaging:

When the customers visit the store, they first view the packaging styles of different brands. Only after comparing the packaging designs can customers select the product; businesses must have the best packaging possible as it changes customers’ expectations around deliveries. After purchasing the product, they are more excited about unboxing the package. For this, a business should remember that it should be easy to handle and make them feel prestigious while opening the box so that it could be etched on their mind. This way, they will become our regular customers and make us a trustworthy company.

Strategies For Online Brand Promotion To Make Your Product Shine :

Consider: What principles does your brand uphold?

1. Understanding the audience

Before building a brand, one must understand the audience, like what they care about, their values, pain points, likes, dislikes and how they will benefit from using the product or service in the future.

2. Identifying the difference

In today’s scenario, if you want to be different from the competitors in the market, create your difference in terms of a unique aspect, feature, or specific benefit to your product or service.

The brand differentiators must be clear, specific, descriptive, and in a language your target audience understands.

3. Designing your brand’s visual identity

What you see is what you get; in this way, when they see your visual identity often determines how they’ll feel about your brand. Visual identity describes everything related to logo, graphics, typography, color palette, product images, and interior design.

4. Build your brand strategy

Every brand wants to expand as much as possible by covering a large audience because the higher the percentage of consumers that learn about your brand, the better your chance of standing out from the crowd.

5. Start Blogging

Nowadays, creating a blog has become trendy for promoting the brand as blogs are very catchy, fast, easy and accessible for the readers who visit our website. Blogging includes the quality of the content that directly impacts the company’s image; it should be more taken care of.

6. Try Giveaways

If you do not have enough cash to throw into your brand’s promotion but have your actual product with you, this can be tried as a giveaway on many social platforms, but we found Instagram to be the most effective. Only you have to make an attractive post and specify the requirements to be eligible to win.

After that, you can ask people to share and tag this post as much as possible so that it can reach plenty of people. The high quality of the product can win the hearts of many followers, and even then, if they lose in a giveaway, they will be ready to pay for that product. And, if you want better results by not investing much, then it has been proved a reliable strategy.

7. Start Making Videos

If you are fond of coming in front of the camera, you can make high-quality videos on your tube channel, which will trick people’s minds into viewing once. After that, if people find this is what they want, your brand will automatically touch the heights of success.


To become a successful entrepreneur, one should adopt the trend of online brand promotion because without opting for this in your business, the consequences will be scary, as COVID19 taught us about the importance of online marketing. So, the company can’t survive in the future without coming on the online platform.

So, here we are, your DesignerPeople, to groom your business with flying colours.

A. A product’s branding is the visible aspect of its marketing and design. It can include things like a company logo, color palette, font choices, and graphic designs. Branding helps to create an emotional connection with customers by creating a recognizable image that relates back to their personal values or experiences. This makes it easier for them to remember your brand when they are shopping for products or services in the future.

A. Product branding is one of the most important aspects of marketing your business because it determines how customers view and interact with your product. Product branding can include everything from the design and layout of your website to the name you choose for your products. It’s important to keep in mind that a well-executed brand communicates trust, quality, and innovation.

A. Brand promotion is the process of creating, deploying, and managing a marketing program that supports the growth and success of a brand. It involves planning and designing campaigns that will help promote the brand to consumers across multiple channels. Additionally, it includes setting up effective tracking systems so you can measure the effectiveness of your campaigns.

A. Online brand promotion is the practice of promoting a business or product online in order to increase its visibility and reach. This can be done through paid advertising, organic marketing (including blogger outreach), or social media engagement. Online branding can help to create awareness for your company and attract new customers from a wider range of demographics. Additionally, it can help you build relationships with potential clients and suppliers, which may lead to future collaborations or deals.


Author: Anush Malik


Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.