Packaging Redesign

Packaging Redesigns that Turns Failure into Standout Products

Author : , DesignerPeople Blog May 19, 2023

Last Updated on June 13, 2024 by DesignerPeople

In this era, the difference between a successful and unsuccessful product comes down mainly to the packaging design.

However, one must remember that packaging designs can sometimes get outdated or old over the years. To keep your brand updated and relevant within the target audiences, it’s time to finally redesign your packaging design and give your products a completely new look in the Indian market.

Remember that working with packaging redesign projects can be challenging to navigate. Consider several factors when redesigning your product packaging designs. When carried out strategically, you can expect an exponential boost in your brand sales, reputation, and more.

tea packaging redesign

Today let’s put some thought and planning into creating your upcoming packaging redesign project and let your consumers witness a significant product transformation.

Also Read: 174+ Creative Packaging Design Ideas of 2023: To Inspire Sales

5 Alarming Findings to Redesign Product Packaging

The best brand packaging designs evoke positive feelings and emotions within the consumers about your product. This drives higher customer retention and loyalty, resulting in higher brand sales. However, do your products require a packaging redesign right now? Here are some alarming signs that will compel you to rethink your packaging designs today.

  • Old-fashioned Product Packaging Design

Packaging design trends come and go. Even if a packaging design worked well for your business once upon a time, there is no assurance that it will yield consistent results for years. Unlike old retail outlets, “pappu general store” upgraded into modern trade retail stores where customers are king and pick products from the shelf.

For example, the traditional packaging designs were bright and popping. On the other hand, packaging designs nowadays are minimalistic and subtle, bringing a premium feel to the product.

  • A shift in the competitive landscape

The competitive space always tries something new and unique with vivid colours, sturdier packaging materials and higher-quality design elements. This gives them a higher competitive edge that eventually helps them attract the most customers in the industry.

By redesigning your packaging, you can easily overcome such a potential threat and allow your products to rule the industry irrespective of how hard your competitors try!

  • Your product has been reformulated

If you have spent time, effort and money reformulating a product, your consumers must notice and get excited about it! Redesigned packaging gives your products a new look and formulation that will excite your customers to try this new product after the launch! Adding “new” ingredients or reformulating your products needs more recognition in the industry.

  • Crisis and Recovery in Public Relations

One bad publicity and your business sales will go downhill almost immediately! Social media interactions contribute majorly to your business reputation and sales in this era. If you get bad reviews online, redesigning your packaging design while improving the product quality can significantly reduce its negative impacts.

  • Slow Growth & Sales

There is no full-proof strategy to boost the sales and growth of your business. If your sales are insufficient despite working tirelessly on your products and marketing, it’s time to give redesigning a shot! Chances are, this time, you can effectively transform your product sales by redesigning your product packaging design and relaunching it on retail shelves and online stores.

Checklist for Product Redesign

Sure, your product is the best and most unique in the industry. But, if you cannot convey the same to the audiences, all your time, efforts and investments are wasted! Your competition is fierce. You need the best quality packaging design to stand out among the rest. Here are some incredible tips that can help you redesign your product packaging and make it surpass your competitors.

  • Define Redesign Objective

Before you start the packaging redesigning process, determine your prime objective. Are you looking for a complete transformation or a subtle change here and there? Keep them in mind if you have an established consumer base, as this will impact your brand recognition efforts. This endeavour must not trouble them to find your brand after redesigning the packaging design.

Whether you are trying to attract new audiences or retain older ones, once you decipher your redesigning objective, you can select the next design elements accordingly.

  • Clarity Regarding The Product

Your packaging design is the first thing that your customers always notice. It must stay as relevant as possible with your product. Choose the right colours, shapes, materials and quotes that boost brand recognition and loyalty, especially if you have an established customer base that loves your products. Find the most unique and memorable design ideas to make your product look magnificent and convey all the product information well.

  • Uphold the company’s core principles
  • Your packaging designs must resemble your brand personality, values and principles. This is important to foster consumer trust regarding your brand and the products. By staying grounded in your brand principles, you can assure the customers that your brand never compromises on the quality of your products, even in the new packaging design.

    • Strengthen Consumers’ Emotional Bond With Brand

    The best packaging design can create long-lasting and impactful bonds and connections with consumers. If you sell similar products to other brands, give your consumers a solid reason to choose your product over others through your packaging design. Try to trigger the right emotions within your consumers that encourage them to choose your brand always. This will make your brand the best seller irrespective of the increasing number of newcomers in the industry.

    • Produce an eye-catching design

    As we said, every brand may have hundreds of competitors. Your new packaging design can draw potential consumers and interest them in your brand. Numerous aspects contribute to a successful and attractive packaging design, such as colour theme, negative space, symbols, shapes, transparent information, etc. These elements can quickly create eye-catching packaging designs that make your products stand out on the retail shelves!

    • Record the modifications done

    While redesigning your packaging designs, always accurately record the modifications throughout the process. Endless tools allow you to record the changes made to the files and documents. This way, you can recheck and ask for feedback from your colleagues or consumers regarding the redesigning process and rectify it accordingly.

    Benefits of Updating Old Packaging Design

    Suppose you are still confused about whether to go for a packaging redesign. In that case, you are already losing many opportunities to grow your business revenue. Let’s discuss some factors that make redesigning your packaging a potential sales driver!

    • Increased Recognition of Brands

    As we said, your product packaging is the first thing your potential customers will witness regarding your brand. Cracking an attractive and memorable packaging design increases your chances of boosting brand recognition exponentially!

    Creating such attractive and unique packaging designs also transforms the entire unboxing experience for your consumers, contributing to repeat sales and references for your business, resulting in higher sales and revenue.

    • Boost the perceived value of your products among consumers

    Your packaging design is directly proportional to your product’s perceived value in the consumers’ eyes. Hence, the better the quality of your packaged design, the higher the perceived value of your products among consumers. For example, sleek and minimal packaging designs can bring a luxurious feel to your products. On the other hand, shabby and poorly designed packaging can instantly turn down your customers.

    • Utilise New Technology to Save Money

    Technology advancement has been a boon for packaging designers and brands. You can explore new technologies that boost the packaging design process while giving an entirely new vibe to your product by the end! By redesigning your packaging design, you can effectively save more time and money from traditional packaging design processes.

    How much does a packaging redesign cost in India?

    The cost of a packaging redesign in India is highly variable. It depends on several factors, including features, services, designs, materials, etc. It also depends on how you collaborate for this endeavour.

    For example, if you hire freelancers to redesign your packaging design, the range can go anywhere from 15000 INR to 25000 INR. If you choose Design agencies, the ideal choice as they manage all your designing requirements, the range goes from 45000 INR to 80000 INR.

    Hence, depending on your design requirements and budget, you can make a suitable decision for your business.

    Furthermore, redesigning your packaging design is a one-time investment that will yield long-term results for years. Hence, it is always advisable not to focus much on the cost. Instead, emphasise the quality that will eventually boost your brand sales in the future.

    Here We Have Added the Most Inspiring Packaging Redesign Project Images
















    Sticking to the same packaging over the years can make your brand irrelevant and outdated as more updated startups arise. Whether creating a new brand identity or product range, your product packaging plays a massive role in your business’s overall sales and growth.

    As your business rapidly grows over the years, you must rely on professional packaging design assistance to redesign and revamp your product packaging. As we said, based on your design requirements and budget, it is essential to choose the most suitable option to effectively redesign your packaging and grow your business in the forthcoming years!

    Author: Anush Malik


    Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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