logo design trends 2020

Creative Logo Design Trends 2020

Author : , DesignerPeople Blog December 16, 2019

Last Updated on January 2, 2024 by DesignerPeople

The year 2019 is ending, and with every closing year, there is one thing I love the most is to understand changing trends, discussing their pros and cons. It is exciting to plan prior and start working towards the upcoming changes for the welfare of the brand. The next year 2020 is a fantastic year where a lot of new is going to happen in this thrilling logo industry.

Increasing visual overload in our space of mind regularly through prints and digital media have to lead the bombarding of infinite information. Many designers are studying and exploring how designs can evolve and contribute to creating a calmer environment.

Also Read: Top 10 Logo Design Trends That Will Dominate 2024 and Beyond

There are logo trends which keep updating every year but in this chaos, make sure one thing which should remain constant and consistent is “Design principles”. Without principles, elements are just scattered pieces with no purpose in life. There are two core design principles:

1.The Holistic

2.The focused version

The balanced logo design will satisfy the above both rules and come out aesthetically beautiful.

Success requires creativity and understanding of the factors which will then shape the individuality of the business. The logo acts as the brand’s face, and even if the creator of company is an artist, he will prefer to shift project to logo designer or logo design agency that is more versatile in terms of experience and skills.

Today, we will go through the interesting trends of logo design 2020. Let’s begin!



-Leonardo da Vinci

To simplify the design of logo, abstract solid shapes are the best way to send a clear and uncluttered message. Customers can easily recognize the brand that embodies precision, such as technology-oriented companies.

Minimalistic is not only the trend but also a necessity, today and even tomorrow designers will have to master the art of stripping design to its core compulsions they are exploring the direction by narrowing in on more abstract concepts. Minimalistic concept, along with the abstract effect, will get evolved in 2020.

The designers have to concentrate on the minimalistic concept through his creative abstract interpretation.


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-Norman McLaren

Anything which is in motion will keep you engaged and attracted towards it compared to something monotonous and dull.

An animated logo is one of the options for influencing the brain in terms of calmness and relaxation. It is the best way to express the feeling which the client will experience when he uses the product.

The brand recognition increases when the brand is dynamic through an animated logo, with the pleasured first impression. Motion designs are the primary trend in the coming year 2020; the animation element increases the fun part of the illustration. Animated logos are the modern and creative way which will reflect the company’s character and helps in transferring the brand message attracting the clients.

Introduction to various cartoon style logo will be in trend such as outline, flat, and doodle cartoon style will be seen in 2020. In recent years, we have witnessed animation and video become an integral and critical part of the visual branding, which will lead upward trajectory to continue in 2020.

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Authenticity and originality are qualities which are being appreciated from eras. When everybody is moving towards digitalization and modernization, some companies believe in sustaining the luxurious vintage style which creates their distinct image. One best way to implement this practice is to start using hand-drawn fonts and designs for logos.

The year 2020 is the year of hand-drawn logo designing, which brings brand personality that customer would take note of and get attracted.

These types of designs have gained traction again over the last few years, and signs seem to point to this trend being active in the upcoming year 2020. Since the work is done liberally through hands; hence, the degree of freedom is attached, and final outputs have beautiful results. A hand-made logo design can be a perfect fit for the right project as per requirements. The feeling of a sense of belongingness increase when it is hand-made, sketches or doodles.


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Also Read: 111+ Logo Design for Inspiration Industry-wise

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-Torrie T. Asai

The trend of 3D is not going anywhere, as it is there to stay for long. Here logo creates an impression of in-depth knowledge providing a strong visual impact. The 3-D effect logo designs are one of the latest trends which are being used in the logo designing to add the superior quality to your art.

Rendering 3D object on the surface of 2D will help to understand the logo strategically, which will then increase brand identity. By the various combinations of vibrant colours, outlining, and gradients, the 3D logo becomes more eye-catchy and attractive. The year 2020 will not only be about the creative 3D logo, but it will focus on showcasing the brand story, core values, and vision of the company through 3D logo designing.

3D logo design

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-Shawn Lukas

Along with playing around with shapes and negative spacing one more thing that has been a favourite with designers this year. Hence will eventually continue through next is playing with fonts. The trick is to use fonts, experimenting with the shape and layout. Logo with specialized typography is the one which is in demand from a prolonged period as they help to enhance brand recall. However, the trend in 2020 will improve versatility and brands will focus on creating their brand fonts, serif and sans-serif fonts will see in less demand.

As ‘less is more’ mantra will sustain in the field of typography where logo with just one or two letters will gain momentum. The science of the brain, which is having a natural tendency of memorizing the shapes and colours, will get stronger with the addition of the logo, which is typography oriented.

The year 2020 will step into daring typography where you will see a lot of logos which will elevate text from just the words that will support the image to the focal point. Depicting the brand personality through fonts will take over the trend as they need to display the character of a company and make it unique. Instead of the same old font styles, plan typography in such a way that each form of the word should convey its exceptional value.


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– Sharon Weil

Nothing is constant in the world of digitalization, and the development of digital capabilities has impacted hugely on adaptive logos. Forthcoming years will be all about adapting designs as per different device screen sizes. The elements of the complete logo start getting shrink as the screen gets smaller depending upon the marketing campaigns. To build a stronger customer relationship with a specific target audience logo will get fluid and fit in horizontal, vertical, web, app, social and animated environments.

Responsive logo in 2020 will start working by combining other designing elements such as colours, typography, and brand story.

The responsive logo will help to simplify their perception and makes user interaction friendly making brand memorable.


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Gradient logos are famously known for their colour transitions, and they do gradually blend from one colour to other shade. Since the shadows are not restricted, it provides designer liberty to experiment and explore.

Gradient effects trend in 2020 will be versatile as it can go bold, subtle with the focal point of a design. Gradient logo will mix and blend new colours which will act as a source of creativity and modern culture. Flat designs with the minimalistic approach will be enhanced by adding exciting texture to the background of the plan. Not restricting on using bright, primary colours, or sticking to a two-hue colour scheme the new iteration of gradients means applying an array of colours to create an almost rainbow effect. You can also tone the colours back to pastels to create a calming effect.

Add bold colours for an in-face-feel and softer shades for subtle effect in logo designing. Designs should add little interest by playing with adjacent colours than simply blending the colours.


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– Timothy Samara

FedEx and Amazon are undoubtedly a few of the best world’s most famous negative space logo where the arrow hidden in FedEx between E and X is a logical representation of what the delivery service is known for delivering packages. While in Amazon from A to Z reflects the impression of everything being available on their site.

The upcoming trend will leverage the scope of negative space around the logo by elevating the category. Negative space will take to next step to achieve the pattern by focusing on slightest details of any object; in turn, the final result will provide something unique.


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-Charles R Swindoll

The logo is an open canvas where the designer can express brand emotions and core values by stretching his imagination. The end product “logo” is perceived by the audience; hence, the attention involved in designing a logo will take more creative inputs by adding more detail to work.

Generating a logo which is nice looking will help to convey the craftwork, especially in the food and beverage industry. The logo design trend will impact their logo designing with acute scrutinizing work; detailed texture leads to modern and fresh looking design.


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The year 2020 will be about new age geometry trend where the geometric shapes will be displayed with a warmer look. Colourful palettes will get merged with bold geometric shapes. Circles, triangle and various rectangular shapes with regal colours will form a large, reflected portrait. Geometric design will take those commonplace objects then layering them with colour and playing with line thickness. Geometric shapes such as square, lines, dots and curves are designed in a minimalistic pattern which will make logo designing more memorable. Range-based, curves, rounded and circular logos are highly simplified logo’s made out of basic geometric shapes and styles which can implement in all kinds of brand identity materials.

An artistic take on geometry shapes will reconcile the frigidity of modern brands with the yearning for a more personal feel.


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Badge logo is characterized by its distinct circular, triangular, ovular that features hard, defined lines along the perimeter of the logo. Badge logos trend will shift to bold in appearance due to the use of thick lines, feature bold and capital typeface with unique colour palette selection.

Vintage badge style will also flourish in the year 2020 with a maximum illustration which majorly suits for the industry of restaurants, garment and breweries — the bold and broad.


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-Kasie West

Each brand has its unique qualities to do with physical, emotional and spiritual level or to gain competitive advantage such case the design should employ illusory motion which will give the edge to your designs.

The year 2020 will push towards the illusion of motion, which will help to reach out to customers through a phenomenon called kinesthetic empathy. The feeling should be so powerful that the viewer should get physically drawn forward, nudged backwards, and even sways from side to side like a mini roller coaster ride! Then it instantly engages you in a visual relationship with your prospects.

The usage of negative spacing with shapes will help to form an optical illusion which will trend throughout 2020 and bound to continue in 2021 as well. The idea is to generate shapes of varying sizes and textures around white negative spacing, which will provide a 3D appeal together with a hidden message which works more like an optical illusion.


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Minimalism along with fin line designing is a trend which is not going anywhere anytime soon; in fact, it will evolve more with potential creative strategies. Linear elements and shapes will become uptrend shortly instead of monochrome colour schemes and spare compositions. Delicate, classic designs act as direction to eyes by creating positive aura and experience around the customer.

Thick, Bold and bulky fonts will always gain attraction, but the thin line will create calm and composed brand personality. Usage of multi-colours or customized as per need with delicate line designing will achieve an increase in demand. Typography and shapes with thin lines will give layout serene and sophisticated feel.


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The upcoming year 2020 seems exciting and full of new strategies which will enhance brand identity. In general, trends are flowing pattern which does come and go, but the key to making a successful logo is not creating one that will weather every change. It should be more about being distinctive, relevant, and simple and one who will identify your brand.

Being aligned with the trend will help you to understand when to change the logo and what type is best suited as per brand and its requirements. Even competitor analysis will help in tracking the trends and following up with them. The year 2020 will be colourful in terms of logo design trends and a lot of surprises aligned, only time will tell where they all fall in. Make sure your brand is ready enough to give a kick start with the effective logo design, which will be aligned with the year 2020 trends. Contact professional logo design agency for any support and guidance.

2 responses to “Creative Logo Design Trends 2020”

  1. Incrеdible!
    Ӏt’s on a entirеly different subject but it has pretty
    much the same layοut and design. Outstanding choice of colors!

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