
Creative Healthcare Products Packaging Design For Inspiration

Author : , DesignerPeople Packaging August 5, 2019

Last Updated on May 22, 2021 by DesignerPeople

zero pixeal imageWe have companies like NETMEDS, 1MG and MEDLIFE that are online pharmacies where you can choose medicine yourself. In such products packaging plays a vital role in choosing medicine. People will usually choose the kind of health care products with packaging that attracts them the most. Packaging is one of the most important aspects of advertising in healthcare. Customers have no idea how the health care product is unless and until they use it but before using it they need something that will attract them in buying a product. This is when product designs of the health care products matter the most. Product designs of such products are made to give an overview of the type of product that they contain.

When it comes to packaging why should the pharmacy industry not have the advantages? Even pharmaceutical and medicine industry is doing a very good job in packaging. When we go to a medical store to buy health care products or wellness products we can see such innovative packaging. Medical Packaging Design should be simple yet sturdy that will house the medicine efficiently and also attract the customers with its unique attributes.

Why Creative Packaging for Pharmaceutical Products is Important?

A.) Sales- A creative packaging will definitely increase the sales of a healthcare product as more and more customers will be attracted to it. People are generally attracted to products that look good that makes the customers think that the company will have great quality products.

B.) Advertising agent- As discussed above Medical Products Packaging Design is an important factor, having an innovative or different kind of packaging will make the advertising for the product much more optimized.

C.) Market Share- Every company wants to have a greater market share. When a health product is selling well compared to other products of the same genre, and then the well-selling product will have the advantage of having a greater market share that will in long term affect the goodwill of the company.


When we see a beautifully designed house, there are a lot of elements which goes into its architecting engineering’s. A lot of utility value yet aesthetic looks are taken into care same way is packaging design architecture. When we look into medicine packaging design, it’s critical to ensure packaging is communicating its core information such as medicine details in an innovative way.

Packaging design with just a visual glance of a few seconds should be able to depict its purpose and its usage. Along with patients, this will save time and energy of doctors, nurses and chemist.

According to WHO around 50% of chronic disease patients fail to understand medicine dosage so effective packaging designs in the healthcare sector will help such patients to ease their concerns. source

Patients today are already into vulnerable state and visit doctors with the hope of ray and support, so, in such environment, package designing plays a significant role. It should include catering not only rational but emotional value also.

With the rising of online sales, direct to consumer marketing has made the appearance of pharmaceutical packaging more crucial than ever before.

Packaging with easily navigable is not enough as their clinical look can be off-putting and creating a critical disconnect between the company, brand and the patient. Pharmaceutical companies should establish a supportive connection with their audience by doing the following things on point.

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Check Successful Case Study of Pharmaceutical Packaging Design

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When it’s about health, we all are very keen and ensure that the quality of product is purchased and used. Hand hygiene is something which is widely acknowledged to be the most critical activity that reduces the spread of infection.

Hence when we visit market and check out hand sanitizer or wash we pick-up many products which are on shelves or on pharma store or any hypermarket. But very few products which are attractive, and we end up purchasing them . Wondered why those products attracted you the most answer is its “Packaging Design”.

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Hand Sanitizer

Depending upon the type of sanitizer, the packaging design is dependent. It can be alcohol or non-alcohol based. The overall theme and feel of packaging design should be approachable and not too medicated. Hand sanitizer needs packaging that protects its purity while making use appealing and straightforward for customers.

The sanitizer packaging design should promote trust, brand promise, should be easy-to-use and innovative for commercial and retail use. Majorly bottles are transparent; hence the packaging colour should be subtle and soft, which can go along with the background. Even the fragrances of packaging which can lemon, lavender depending upon type images, colours are inserted. It should be lightweight yet built and sealed strong, making them ideal for expanding e-commerce. Ensure users can dispense nearly 99% of what’s inside, so every last drop of product is easily dispensed with less mess. Information such as instructions to use, ingredients, temperature to be maintained, BPA/Alcohol information, percentage of germ-killing capacity, and the tagline should be mention. Pouches hand sanitizer products are also in demand due to convenient, portable, and economical pouches used are used mainly in the commercial industry.


creative hand sanitizer packaging design

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hand sanitizer label design

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hand sanitizer packaging design

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Hand Wash

Handwash is divided into two categories one is hand wash bottle with dispenser and other is its refill pack.

Flavours play a very crucial role while packaging designing for hand wash products. Based on flavours which can be sandalwood, lemon, strawberry, lavender, many more the graphics, content, colour and emotion is added in packaging. Images such as flowers, petals, fruits either in vector form or actual product are there on the packaging.

Each hand wash has its value proposition which can be antiseptic, surgical or regular depending and based on this the ingredients, usage, storage; information is mentioned on packaging design. Make sure packaging design should evoke the skin-friendly aspect. It can be a moisturising agent who will entice the female-oriented audience. The brand logo and meaningful tagline will always make people pick your product that is because, through the tagline, your brand message is communicated with the audience.

creative hand wash label design

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creative hand wash label design

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creative packaging design

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creative packaging design

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creative packaging design

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hand wash bottle label design

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hand wash bottle label design

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hand wash packaging design inspiration

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hand wash packaging design inspiration

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hand wash packaging design inspiration

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label design inspiration

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label design inspiration

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label design inspiration

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liquid hand wash label design

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liquid hand wash label design

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liquid hand wash packaging design

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liquid hand wash packaging design source: “”

liquid hand wash packaging design

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Creating instruction leaflet with images

According to the experiment conducted by  American Heart Association, 75% of patients don’t take their medication as per prescribed. Which leads to poor medical adherence cost of $300 billion per year in additional doctor visits, emergency visits and hospitalization.

In India, 462 medical colleges that teach 56,748 doctors and 3,123 institutions that prepare 1,25,764 nurses every year.  Since India’s population increasing annually by 26 million, the numbers are too little to manage. Hence packaging should be smart enough, which will help the user understand basics.source

Depicting the gap between pharmaceutical packaging design and its communication with the required target group.

The visual impact is always higher than the text so companies should make sure to represent complete instructions in a pictorial format so that it can be easily understood. Also, save nurses time as they can easily understand the process and execute it.

The practical design represents product variants quickly and easily, and the iconographic representation will help to create the patient experience more inclusive and human-oriented. Helping in better understanding of the product as well as leverage brand differences at the point of interaction.

Iconography will help to represent dosage instructions effectively.

Below is an example, it’s a packaging done with day-wise details mentioned so that patient has clarity regarding dosage information when and which medicine to consume. It is an easy yet innovative way of packaging which will act as a boon for aged and chronic disease patients.

pills packaging design


Colours in Pharmaceutical packaging

Colour is an integral component of packaging, and primary factor influencing purchasing decisions. Value of colours in the healthcare industry is very crucial because it enhances health and safety. Unique packaging helps in fast differentiation between drugs, increase patient adherence and minimizes the risk of illegal knockoffs during rapid growth in competitors in the market.

Pills or packaging colour all having its perceived efficiency, usage, bitterness and stimulation towards medication.

According to various experiments conducted in the US, China and Colombia regarding the impact of pills colour and its user expectations.

Majority of users regarded white pills as most effective while light green being least effective pills.

Red and light red are most stimulating while light blue being least bitter.

Thus results indicate different colour plays a significant factor in how the drug is perceived by users and hence can influence consumer choice in the pharmaceutical field.

Packaging colours also communicates a lot about the actual product such as packaging with Red, Brown and Grey is designed for severe illness compared to yellow or green packaging.

Red, brown and orange packaging need precaution before intake compared to blue, green or yellow.

In terms of costing,red and brown packaging are perceived to be costlier compared to orange or yellow colour.

Intelligently applying knowledge of consumer perception for product packaging will help you to utilize the full advantage of colour power to promote products.

Usage of spectrophotometric, a colour measurement can help to enhance consistent and quality communication with users. Once the ideal colour scheme is selected, employing in-line spectral analysis throughout the manufacturing process ensures accurate pigmentation of paper, metallic and plastic packaging components. It is enriching, systematic and standardized communication in terms of colour.

If medicines are kids-oriented, then the packaging should have the fun element in it so that kids should feel comfortable interacting with packaging designs. If you see a below example, bright colours are used which will attract kids and a cartoon character imposed on the packaging which will engage kids with designs.

Zarbee’s natural cough syrup

Illustrations of bumblebees were portrayed on syrup packaging which encouraged kids to explore product without any fear. Since bee is the yellow colour, it gives off a positive and cheerful vibe. The brand has used bee as their mascot beautifully to portray nature in their Zarbee’s brand element.

syrup packaging design


We have heard quotes such as “Packaging is a silent salesman”, but it can be true if you design your packaging in such away. This will represent its usage instructions through its type of creation as did by brand Mucinex.

Package Designing of Mucinex is very innovative and creative, It shows hot water being poured into a cup of Mucinex Fast-Max, informing us what product does and pictorial form illustrates how to use it if you look at its packaging design, it’s very user-friendly because it looks similar to tea, which is harmless while it has positive effects like helping with your cold symptoms without taking any pills.

health care pakaging design




DesignerPeople have designed packaging for Romsons pharmaceutical products with a new form of designing that is “line drawing”. Line drawing concept and aligned with coherent values as it helped to increase emotional intelligence, improve senses, many more.

Subtle colours were indulged on packaging while maintaining international as well as domestic competitive analysis.(For complete case study)

Impact of Images and colours on gender-based packaging designs

If medical products usage is female-oriented, than the colours used are very soft and subtle such as Light pink, purple, blue. These colours represent trust, peace and calmness, which brands should carefully use to depict emotions.

Feminine body structure images should represent very classy and in a non-awkward way. Such as wonderfully presented by brands such as V-Wash personal hygiene wash, Whisper Sanitary napkins packaging many more.

Clearblue is an ovulation test kit which uses blue colour which stands for being trustworthy during pregnancy tests trust is extremely important. Woman undergoing such a test need to know that the results are correct. The element of being accurate, benefits brand.Colours such as pink and purple used which are known to be feminine oriented colours.

medical packaging design


Woman are more attracted towards the sophisticated look of any vitamin or medicated cosmetic products so the brand should ensure attractive looking, image-based packaging designs.

Taglines inside medicine world

The tagline is a creative way of communicating your values and beliefs through a small text on the packaging. The tagline on medical packaging should create an experience which will enrich users confidence and surety about the product. A strong brand is created by reliable and value-based taglines, which will generate a feeling of trust, support and empathy among users.

Few tagline examples – Caring for life, believe in us, you can be sure with us, commitment to community, family of hospitals for your family are few taglines, which will connect emotionally with the user and also portrays the story of the brand.

Here are some creative packaging design samples of Healthcare Products for your inspiration:-



























Due to globalization, it will be a challenge for the packaging industry to match international competitors and their standards. Today consumers are so busy with their life, so much of stress that they don’t need to add medical as another tension. Thus hospitals are making their efforts to create a friendly hospital environment with correct hospital branding. So now, packaging designs should also be user-friendly so that they can be interactive to users and connect them emotionally. Packaging designs should focus primarily on rendering core information about drug and its usage through the creative and emotional way.

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Author: Megha Malik


As a passionate entrepreneur and creative brand consultant with experience of 14 years in digital, branding and packaging industry, it is my honest effort to put my experiences and knowledge of industry towards readers. A chartered accountant by degree but a marketing personality in blood has motivated her to take in designing industry as a career. With her fun-loving personality and sharp branding skills, she is a great motivational speaker on her YouTube channel, an active member in various business channels offline as well as online. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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