
What is Brand Story? and How it Works as Marketing Tool

Author: DesignerPeople Blog July 24, 2020

Last Updated on December 7, 2024 by DesignerPeople

What is the brand story?


A brand story is a way of cohesive narration which is enclosed with the emotions, facts and feelings that are developed by your business. Here the focus is on telling instead of showing. The brand story must inspire an emotional and positive reaction.

zero pixeal imageWe all love remembering our childhood, and in today’s hectic life, we like to cherish those days and memories. The one thing which we prominently remember and people also share the same with their next generation is stories.

The excellent night stories narrated by grandparents or parents are remembered very clearly. That’s because stories are engaging and yet entertaining; they create their own space in the minds of customers.

Same way stories create lasting impressions on businesses. As human connections are the heart and soul for any business. At end business is all about dealing with people, your company is solving problems, alleviating pain points, and rendering satisfactory customer experiences. Revenue is something is a byproduct of a useful business model and a positive customer experience.

Iconic brands which are having strong brand story are Disney and Coca-Cola, which have realized the power and strength of their brand story to build a connection with their audience.

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How to Craft Your Brand Story?

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1. Think about your company 

Take a book and start noting down all the details about your brand. Such as when why and how it all started, present situations and what is future going to look like. Note down every detail that is connected to your brand emotionally and practically.

Don’t forget to mention statistical data, facts, testimony, case studies that all got your brand here today. Objective, culture, values, vision and mission of the company plays a vital role in this step. The purpose of the organization should be clear because many other branding elements will follow this.

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2. Write your brand statement

Craft or develop a statement considering the above analysis, which will sum up all the essential aspects of the brand. Collaborating with a brand agency can help refine this statement, ensuring it captures the core values and resonates with your audience.

Your brand statement is what you will communicate externally, hence ensure to be creative and engaging.

A lot of people confuse it of being a mission statement, but It is a brand statement which considers what matters to customers, stakeholders and purpose of the company. It is nothing to do with revenue or monetary elements; values exclusively drive it.

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3. Draft a brand story 

Draft a story around your brand statement; the story should have excellent narrative feature. The brand story should be real, honest and deep-rooted in purpose. Develop a brand in such a way that you should invite the audience to be part of where you are going and is written conversationally.

It should be approachable, should shares heart out and why you do, what you do and as a story, you must learn to tell it masterfully.

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Create an Authentic Brand Story which Actually Improves Trust

1. Make sure your brand story is creating trust 

2. The story must be drive through the personality of the brand 

3. It should be simple so that anyone can understand, no complicated and harsh words.

4. Be careful with ending it should not be closed-end; it should indicate begging od success and continuation.

5. Should shape the reason for your brand existence 

6. Ensure it should with customers in such a way that customers should buy the story and not just product

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Stories Every Brand Must Tell

There are a various number of stories, and its types of the brand can communicate with its audience. The more emotional aspect connected to a brand is shared through different stories. Types may differ, but the purpose of a brand story is one “connecting with the audience”.

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1. Core Purpose Story

Here the focus on majorly on the real events of your life and how those events lead you to form your sense of purpose that’s connected to your company’s establishment. A great ‘story of us’ establishes a community, its values, and how they came to be.

Examples- Being Human, Body Shop

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2. Origin Story

An origin story highlights how your company came into existence and its details such as why it was started, when it was launched, how it was started, who started it, where it was started.

Example- Coca-Cola, Uber

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3. Customer Stories

Customer stories help drastically to shorten their sales process.

They are known for their words, and their ability to turn hassle into clarity. Customers voice is used by them who cannot find their own.

Example- Gold Gym, Tata Cancer Hospital, CCD

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4. Employee Stories

Employees as storytellers, brands show they’re invested in their teams, while also gaining audience trust. Over the years, trusting employees to express themselves creates its own positive brand story over time

Example- Haley Davidson, Mac Donalds

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5. Product Stories

The product themselves, items that customers buy, are part of the brand’s story as it places the story directly into the product itself. Customers are purchasing that product, and in so doing, they are buying the brand story.

Example- Amul

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6. Failure Stories

Brand include failure in their brand story because it is real, and they don’t treat it as bad in fact, it’s their learning step, which later leads to opportunities. Failure also provides you with more useful data, and failure is significant when we plan for it.

Examples- Kodak, Polaroid

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7. Success Stories

Here brand has something to say about what is that the brand and has taken an experience or an industry hence turned it on its head. They have a clear identity and purpose are able to form more meaningful connections that result in truly devoted fans.

Examples-Google, Apple

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8. Evolution Stories

A brand story which highlights the complete steps involved in reaching brand from zero to hero stage. Its is a story of how the brand has evolved from genesis to billions of amount and beyond.

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Also Read: How Indian Business Plan Brand Positioning Strategy

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1. Convey Your Personality

Not by selling but through the brand stories, you create a reflection of a specific personality. Never be afraid to let the brand personality come through loud and clear via storytelling.

Make sure it remember it is your brand’s personality you’re sharing, not some individual’s; not some marketing team’s hence your customers want to see and experience your brand’s personality.

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2. Hits Emotional Quotient 

Storytelling is the best way to hit an emotional chord with your customers. Narrate brand stories which are real and based on real stories in a way which evokes feelings and emotions. Under any circumstances, ensure and hit that emotional level just for the sake of hitting it for consumers will see right through you.

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3. Build Affinity

Brand storytelling is essential because your consumers do not want to feel they are being sold or preached. They are interested in buying products which are rich with their values, culture and which motivate then for purchase. Brand stories are made for sharing and making them memorable.

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4. Engages Customers 

Creating free and valuable content is the best way to build loyalty between your followers and customers.

Even if the competition is overstepped, paying attention to your content is still necessary. You want to give your readers exciting experiences that will make them remember your name.

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Whatever industry you belong to in todays crowded landscape; more discerning customers are not just buying from anyone. They’re buying where they feel they are emotionally connected with a brand. Because of that, brand storytelling isn’t only an essential part of your business. It’s absolutely critical to your success so connect us today and we will ensure you have brand story which will make you stand out.

Author: Anush Malik


Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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