brand refresh

Brand Refresh: Key Elements, Step-by-Step Guide with Real Example

Author : , DesignerPeople Blog October 18, 2024

Last Updated on October 21, 2024 by DesignerPeople

Do you feel like your brand no longer reflects your business? Or maybe it’s just time for a fresh start to finally keep up with the industry’s evolving trends and customer expectations. A brand refresh could be exactly what you need today! Whether your logo design feels outdated or your brand messaging is no longer resonating with today’s audiences, refreshing your brand can breathe new life into your business this year. But where do you begin?

In this guide, we will explore the key elements of a successful brand refresh. We will take you step-by-step through the process and even look at real-life examples to show how a brand refresh can really elevate your business! Thus, let’s get started on giving your brand the makeover it deserves.

What are the Signs that it’s time to update your brand?

If your business isn’t connecting with your customers the way it once did, it probably needs a brand refresh now! Here are more such reasons and key indicators why you should absolutely consider a brand refresh this year.

1. When sales start to dip

Have you noticed that your once-loyal customers are no longer interacting with your brand like they used to? If your website traffic is drowning, social media engagement is dropping, or sales are slowing, it could be a sign that your brand isn’t resonating with your audiences anymore. This could mean your brand has lost its relevance or doesn’t excite your customers as it once did.

brand refresh need

2. Lack of message consistency

If your brand messaging is inconsistent across all platforms, chances are your audiences will get confused! If you are struggling to maintain a unified voice or convey your brand’s core values, it’s time to finally rethink your brand identity. A clear, consistent brand message ultimately builds the trust and connection your brand needs to connect with the audiences.





3. Your brand look feels outdated

If your brand logo, website design, or even the brand voice feels outdated, it’s finally time to update it. Design trends always change, just like audience expectations. An outdated look can make your brand appear out of touch, causing potential customers to look elsewhere. Updating your brand visuals and messaging keeps your brand modern and appealing to consumers.









4. The competition is getting tougher

If you are finding it hard to stand out from the crowd, especially where new competitors are constantly emerging, a new brand refresh can really help you here. A brand refresh can help you differentiate your brand and stay competitive by better showcasing your unique services and products in the market.

competive brand refresh

5. Expanding to new markets or demographics

If you are planning to grow your business, whether you are entering new geographic markets or targeting different age groups, your current brand might resonate poorly with your new audiences. A brand refresh can ensure that your brand speaks to these new demographics, adopting your message and visuals to meet their needs without losing your core identity.





5 Elements of a Strategic & Successful Brand Refresh

Now that you have decided your brand needs a refresh, you need to understand what makes a successful rebrand. Here are five key elements to focus on as you breathe new life into your business.

1. Time to Redefine Who You Are

Your brand identity is like the DNA of your business—it is exactly how customers recognise and relate to your brand. Rethink whether your logo, colours, and voice are still relevant or feel outdated. This refresh is your chance to modernise your brand identity while staying true to your core values. Whether you need a better logo or a new tone of voice, your refreshed identity should feel fresh and in sync with your business today.

refresh branding status

2. Who are you talking to?

If you don’t need to know who you are speaking to while building your brand, chances are your brand message might be a disaster! Your customers have evolved since the time it first launched. Revisit your target audiences during your brand recall, especially when you are expanding into new markets. Knowing exactly who your audience is will help shape your new look, feel and messaging to resonate better with them.



3. Where do you stand?

Your brand positioning is all about how you are perceived in the market. Does your brand stand out, or are you simply blending in with the competition? A refresh gives you the much-needed opportunity to re-evaluate your unique value proposition. Why should customers choose you over others? Whether showcasing new product features or highlighting the things that make your brand unique, positioning is key to keeping your edge in a crowded market.





4. Amp up your Digital Presence

Is your digital presence working as hard as it should be? Your website, social media, and online ads are often the first touchpoints for potential customers. During your brand refresh, ask yourself: Does your website look modern, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate? Are your social media channels active and engaging? A strong, cohesive digital presence can be the difference between a customer choosing your brand or just clicking away!







5. Never forget about Customer Experience

At the heart of any successful brand refresh is the customer experience. How do your customers actually feel when they interact with your brand? Do they get a seamless, enjoyable experience, or is it complex to navigate through your brand? A brand refresh is your chance to streamline and improve customer interactions, whether through a more user-friendly website, faster customer service, or more personalised marketing. After all, happy customers = loyal customers!





Step-by-Step Guide on How to Execute a Brand Refresh

Your brand refresh is not just about creating a new logo or tweaking some colours. There’s always a clear strategy behind it. Let me walk you through the steps that can help you execute a brand refresh smoothly.

1. Start with a Reality Check by Auditing Your Existing Brand

Before making changes, take a good, hard look at where your brand stands right now. What’s working and what’s not? Are your customers engaging with your current visuals, messaging, and values? Or are they starting to drift away? Conduct a full audit of your brand elements—website, social media, logo, content, customer feedback, and more. Identify potential gaps and figure out where the disconnect might actually be happening.

2. Define Your Goals and Strategy

Don’t jump onto the major aspect without knowing what you want to achieve. The same goes for a brand refresh! Ask yourself, why are you doing this? Who are you doing it for? Do you want to appeal to a new audience, improve your customer experience or differentiate yourself from competitors? Defining clear goals will guide your decisions throughout the process. Once you have set your goals and outlined your strategy, your brand refresh strategy will make a significant difference.

3. Revise Your Brand Elements

With your goals in mind, start revising your brand elements. Update your logo, revamp your colour palette, create a new tagline or even refine your brand voice. Keep in mind that absolute consistency is the key. Whatever changes you make should align with your brand’s core identity. It’s about evolving according to market demands.







4. Test and Gather Feedback

Before you roll out your refreshed brand to the world, it’s always a good idea to test it out. Show your new branding to your loyal customers, employees, team members and others. Gather feedback on what they think works and what doesn’t. Did they understand the new brand messaging? Do they connect with the new visuals? Use this input to fine-tune any last-minute adjustments before going live.

5. Implement the Refresh

Once you have everything just right, it’s time to launch. Ensure that you consistently roll out your updated brand across all platforms, including your website, social media, product packaging redesign, marketing materials, etc. Create a buzz around the refresh and let your audience know what’s changing and why. Remember, it’s not just about the visuals—your refreshed brand should reflect every interaction with your customers, from email communication to customer service!







6. Monitor and Adapt

The work doesn’t stop once your refresh is live. After implementing it, always keep a close eye on how your audience reacts. Are they engaging more with your content? Has customer feedback improved? Monitor the performance of your refreshed brand over time. Be open to adapting wherever necessary. Branding is an ongoing process—what works today might need another tweak tomorrow!

Real Examples of Successful Brand Refreshes

Need some inspiration for your own brand refresh? Let’s take a look at a few real-world examples of brands that have already nailed it!

Example 1: Pepsi’s Logo Evolution

Pepsi’s logo design has been a symbol of refreshment for decades, but they have never been afraid to change it with the times. From the bold red script of its early days to the sleek, minimalist design we see today, Pepsi’s logo design has undergone numerous evolutions. These logo updates gave Pepsi a fresh, contemporary look while maintaining its brand heritage. This refresh wasn’t just about a new logo but represented a shift towards a more energetic, youth-centric brand that resonated with modern customers.

Example 2: Airbnb’s Brand Evolution

Airbnb’s rebranding was a pivotal moment for the company. Originally known for its basic wordmark logo, the brand introduced a new look that represented belonging, community, and connection through its brand design. The shift wasn’t just visual. They evolved from being just a platform for renting rooms to a brand that promised more profound experiences and human connections. Their tagline perfectly captures the essence of the new brand direction. This bold brand refresh helped Airbnb position itself as a global, community-driven brand appealing to both hosts and travellers looking for unique, authentic experiences rather than just places to stay.

Example 3: Old Spice’s Image Shift

Old Spice was once considered outdated until their massive refresh some time back that turned them into a social media sensation. The brand launched quirky, hilarious ads which broke the internet and brought the brand into the cultural spotlight. Alongside their witty, tongue-in-cheek campaigns, Old Spice also updated their packaging to reflect a bolder and more modern image. This refresh, which cleverly balanced humour with masculinity, helped the brand shake off its old-fashioned reputation and attract a younger and more diverse audience, proving that a well-executed refresh can completely reinvent a brand’s perception!


A brand refresh isn’t just about changing your logo or colours. It is about aligning your business with who you are today and who you want to reach. Whether you are experiencing declining engagement, facing tough competition or simply outgrowing your current image, refreshing your brand can give you the edge you need.

Thus, if your brand feels stuck or out of sync with your goals, it might be time to hit refresh. Hire a professional branding expert like DesignerPeople today. We will help you get started with the right strategies and build a brand that will become the upcoming sensation of the industry and maximise your sales!

Better brands start with meaningful conversations

Author: Megha Malik


As a passionate entrepreneur and creative brand consultant with experience of 14 years in digital, branding and packaging industry, it is my honest effort to put my experiences and knowledge of industry towards readers. A chartered accountant by degree but a marketing personality in blood has motivated her to take in designing industry as a career. With her fun-loving personality and sharp branding skills, she is a great motivational speaker on her YouTube channel, an active member in various business channels offline as well as online. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.