Commercial property signage india

Commercial property signages Ideas that Enhance Visitors Experience

Author : , DesignerPeople Blog August 25, 2023

Last Updated on December 6, 2023 by DesignerPeople

Almost every commercial property has well-curated and structured signages throughout the area to help visitors navigate and reach their destination. Otherwise, your visitors will likely get lost, resulting in a negative experience.

Designing a good signage system for your property is crucial as it takes care of the visitors’ appeal and safety. It reduces foot traffic while ensuring a smooth and efficient experience at your location. The list of benefits is indeed endless.

Commercial Property Signage Ideas that Enhance Visitors Experience

We have created this quick guide with the best tips and design ideas to help you make the most appealing and valuable signage for your commercial property. Let’s get reading!

Purpose of Signages in Commercial Property

Commercial property signages, just like any visual cues, are an increasingly important investment for the following reasons:

Improve Visitor experience

With clear signage designs, visitors can easily find their way through the lanes and corridors without getting lost. This is because, often, people get confused and frustrated by the number of doors and lanes, especially with large or complex spaces. Incorporating clear and directed signages can simplify their entire experience.


Did you know that signage designs are great for promoting your business? You may have observed numerous such signages promoting products and services around you. Customise your signages based on your company style and colour scheme. Include your business logo, message, and other branding elements. This way, you can effectively create a strong brand identity through signage and boost awareness and recognition among the target consumers.

Safety Guidelines

Commercial signages are pivotal to ensuring the safety of visitors on your property. Otherwise, your visitors will likely need clarification and guidance through the corridors. Creating simple yet impactful signages to guide people to various places and departments is essential for a safe and sound experience.

Reduce Manpower

Add signage through every area instead of assigning people at every lane or stairway. Your visitors no longer have to ask at every route for directions. They can quickly check the signage and follow them. This will reduce the expenses of additional manpower without compromising the visitors’ experience.

Visual Appeal

If you want to enhance the look and feel of the property, investing in commercial property signage is the ideal way! Not only does it have a practical purpose, but it will also make the environment look lively! With intricate colours and patterns, you can create some of the most stunning and impactful signages that can transform the complete vibe of the area at the least expense.

Types of Commercial Property Signage

If your property is challenging to navigate, here is a list of the different types of commercial property signages that you can incorporate into your property.


Identification signages are extremely common and one of the most important ones. Bright and prominent identification signs can help people easily spot the departments or rooms that they want to reach from a distance with ease. This way, people can find complex and cluttered areas with ease.


Directional signages help people find their way through junctions, staircases, corridors, elevators, etc. This is extremely important for people visiting the property for the first time. Following the wayfinding signage allows people to reach their desired location independently and easily.

Regular Signage

Regulatory signages are another essential requirement in every commercial property as it denotes the safety features, dos and don’ts, risks, boundaries, and other property attributes. For example, you can include regulatory signages for “no pets allowed” or “no smoking” zones at the entrance of the doors or corridors for visitors.


Informational signage offers a profound insight into the property or the location they are at. This essential signage type is highly relevant and vital for first-time visitors. Creating simple and easy-to-read informational signage is the best way to convey your brand information to visitors in the simplest way.

Essential Design Tips for Successful Property Signage

When checking a new property, people need to be more knowledgeable regarding the lanes and turns they should take to reach the destination. This is why good quality signages are essential that bring clarity to visitors. Here are some fundamental design tips for creating successful property signages this year!

Consider the signage from your Visitor’s perspective

Your signals are meant for your visitors. Hence, thinking from their perspective when planning the designs is always better. Start from the entrance and wander through the lanes as you need to know the areas. This will help you find out the right areas that require signage placement for the visitors. This will also help to find out places that may look dull and need an addition of good signage designs to revamp the overall look.

Use Only High-Quality Materials

Your signage designs are a part of the overall visual appeal of the property. This is why choose high-quality materials that are durable, versatile and attractive. Choosing cheaper or lower quality materials can instantly downgrade your brand value as your property environment significantly contributes to visitors’ perception. For example, select weatherproof materials to ensure your property always looks well and neat.

Use Illumination for lighting

To make your signage designs stand out, choose unique Illumination for lighting. This can enhance the look and feel of the area while making the signs even more prominent for visitors. This is because visitors can often notice unlit signage. Hence, incorporating lighting patterns for your signage designs can make them pop from a far distance!

Signage Visibility with colour and font

Signage designs should be prominent, easy to read and decipher. Choose the right colours and fonts that align with the emotions and reactions of the visitors. Make it simple yet aesthetic. Furthermore, it should align with your business colours and fonts, as this will contribute to brand recognition and recall. Take time to carefully consider different colour and font options for your next signage design.

Go Digital

So many digital signage design options are available nowadays in this tech-savvy world. An interactive touchscreen display that will allow visitors to easily search their desired location and get all the necessary details as and when required. Such digital solutions can make the entire experience superior and simplified for the visitors.

Use Building Maps in Useful Areas

Give visitors a decent understanding of the entire property through a single building map. It should contain all the areas of the property, such as lobbies, entryways, elevators, stairways, nearby attractions, landmarks, etc. This will offer visitors a better insight into the property and the nearby locality, especially newcomers.

Let’s Have a Look at this Professionally Designed Commercial Property Signage for Inspiration


Signages are essential for every commercial property. It is the bare minimum you must do to make the experience of your visitors positive and memorable.

As shared above, you can amp up your signage designs in numerous ways. In case you are creating your first signage design, it is always better to choose professionals instead. This is because the best signage professionals can analyse your entire property and find the best signage designs that will simplify every lane and corridor for the visitors’ convenience. You can also share these ideas with your professional signage designer for your next design; rest assured, your visitors will love to revisit you!

Better brands start with meaningful conversations

Author: Anush Malik


Being a strategist’s head and a long term visionary personality aims to achieve excellence in branding, packaging and digital marketing field. My 15 years of design experience and masters degree ais my strength which keeps me motivated and keep me going positively. I have participated in extensive branding design conquests in India, USA, Australia and New Zealand with winning zeal. My objective is to encourage start-ups and hence involves actively in the articles which will act as a productive intake of knowledge for them. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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