Trendy Packaging Sticker Designs

101+ Trendy Packaging Sticker Designs: Affordable & Easy Product Branding

Author : , DesignerPeople Blog June 20, 2023

Last Updated on June 23, 2023 by DesignerPeople

Sometimes the quality of the product packaging is more than enough to sell the product.

Your product packaging design plays a significant role in the perception of your product within the target audiences. Hence, high-quality product material with attractive packaging stickers always has a better edge than ordinary packaging in the retail market.

Your packaging stickers are an easy way to speak about your business, product and the quality it offers. Hence, investing in a good quality packaging sticker is affordable and accessible. After all, you want your product to stand out in the target market and surpass your competitors.

Packaging stickers are the most practical in the world of packaging and marketing. If you want to attract more customers and increase profits, read this blog till the end, and we will help you curate your first packaging design sticker for your products. Let’s get started.

Most Cost-Effective Packaging Solution

Creating the best product packaging design can get extremely complicated and expensive, especially for startups. This is why many businesses opt for curating customised packaging stickers that not only represent the brand well amidst the audiences but also make the product look appealing – All at a cost-effective value!

Creating stickers or waterproof ones is exceptionally affordable when you order them in bulk. Hence, this is one such low-risk investment that yields positive results for your business. If you want to introduce an extensive product range, investing in stickers labels will save you huge expenses on printing that you can later reinvest in other core business ideas.

Furthermore, you also get the opportunity to customise it based on your brand aesthetic and vibe. Hence, packaging sticker designs are the best way to elevate a product’s appearance on a low budget and add value to the customer experience.

Trends in Packaging Sticker Designs

From quirky hologram style to minimalist designs. So many sticker trends are trending in the industry right now. Creating the most attractive packaging sticker designs aims to keep your brand aesthetic as the top priority while being inclined towards the latest trends to improve the relevance and appeal factor. Let’s check out some latest packaging sticker design trends of this year!

  • Minimalist and clean designs
  • Minimalist designs are the winner in every sector of graphics and design. It aims to eliminate any information overload and enhance the subtle beauty of the product through simplicity.

    Avoid any lengthy descriptions in your packaging sticker designs. Your consumers will only spend some split seconds looking at the packaging stickers. Keep your sticker labels limited to only your company initials or a catchy yet small slogan. Add a one-liner to your packaging sticker design if you still want a product description.

    Next, avoid choosing complex fonts that are challenging to read. The typography you choose must make the text in the packaging sticker design easy to read and decipher. This will help convey the product information and the brand message effectively to the consumers.

    • Bold and vibrant colour schemes

    Colour psychology is one of the most underestimated aspects of design. Choosing colours can transform the entire customer experience in split seconds. For example, bold colour stickers will stand out. In contrast, stickers with red and white writing can create a warning sign for the consumers regarding the ingredients and their consumption.

    Use bold and contrasting colours to make your product stand out. However, stay consistent with the brand colours to contribute to brand recognition and recall. The key is to create a contrast between the light and dark tones. The greater the contrast in the tones, the higher the legibility of the sticker text. It also minimises eye strain and makes the sticker design visually pleasing for consumers.

    There are so many ways you can create a contrast in your label designs, such as black on yellow, black on white, blue on white, red on white, yellow on black and more.

    Use the blank or white space wisely when creating the design. This makes it easier to focus on the text and navigate quickly throughout the design.

  • Unique shapes and die-cut stickers
  • The key to creating unique packaging sticker designs is to create unique shapes and die-cut stickers. This will help add a personalised touch of your brand to the consumers.

    To create unique shapes and die-cut stickers, create a new document and tweak the settings in CMYK mode at 300 dpi. You can easily tweak the size according to your requirements. Next, unleash your creativity and create your first die-cut sticker design.

    Next, since this requires edge-to-edge printing, you must set up a 3mm bleed line around the shape of the design. This way, you can check if the printed edges are flawless when you reach the final step.

    Next, ensure that the sticker colours printed underneath the die line are the best quality. Select the overprint stroke option in the software you choose to design. And proceed to print it!

  • Metallic and holographic finishes
  • Companies nowadays use printing stickers based on vinyl-based materials to create a rainbow effect on the sticker design. A clear laminate is then applied over the printed layer, making the sticker durable, waterproof and fade-resistant.

    Analyse the holographic effect areas that you want to proceed with. Ditch the gradient effects, as this will only muddle up. Keep it simple with minimal holographic effects, and you can easily create a stunning quirky packaging sticker for your product!

    Choose good quality materials for creating holographic stickers, as it all comes down to the look and feel of the end product. Low-quality holographic materials may look shabby.

    Tips for Designing Effective Packaging Stickers

    Creating successful product packaging sticker designs isn’t easy. There are multiple things to consider here that contribute to creating an impactful design. If you want your design to stand out in the industry, here are some tips to follow when creating your next packaging sticker design!

    • Understanding your target audiences and brand identity

    To create a successful packaging sticker design, you must keep your consumers as the topmost priority. Since your product sales depend on the consumers’ buying decisions, always consider their interests, likes and dislikes when creating the design.

    Analyse how you can enhance the perception of the products in the mind of the consumers. Look for creative ways to make the product look more appealing and trustworthy to the consumers, and rest assured, with time, your sales will rise exponentially.

    • Choosing the right colours, fonts, and graphics

    As we said, the right choice of colours, fonts and graphics play a significant role in the overall sticker design. You can try a myriad of colour combinations to make your product look attractive, but always ensure to stay minimal. This applies to your font and graphic choices as well. Choose legible fonts and graphics while following the overall brand colours. Ensure that you bring the focus towards the product instead of drifting it away with too many clashing colours, fonts and graphics. Also, create a hierarchy of all these elements and ensure your product looks presentable and elegant on the retail shelves.

  • Prioritising simplicity and readability
  • Again, simplicity and readability are two major integral factors that contribute to the success of the overall sticker design. Your product sticker design must have all the necessary details about the product. However, only restricted to the required information. Else, your sticker design may look extremely messy and rescue the readability.

    Choose short descriptions or tag lines that convey all the required information in the least words. However, stay transparent with the consumers regarding the product descriptions in the sticker design. Choosing the proper colour contrast and subtle fonts makes the text visible to the consumers.

  • Incorporating brand elements and logos
  • Your packaging sticker design is a visual representation of your brand. Hence, you must include your logo and other branding elements promoting your business. Ensure you add a clear image of the logo and other branding elements and keep them at the forefront. This will contribute to higher brand recognition and recall, making more people aware of your brand and increasing sales over time.


    Trendy packaging sticker designs are the hype for affordable branding. Packaging sticker designs are the best choice as it makes your product look attractive without spending thousands on a single design. You can create multiple customised packaging sticker designs for different products and create a stunning product line that will become everybody’s favourite!

    Creating a trendy packaging design requires extensive expertise, the right tools, and a lot of creativity with personality. This is why you must hire the best professional packaging sticker designers with a quality portfolio and experience creating packaging sticker designs. This eliminates all the guesswork and assures you the best quality packaging sticker designs for your business!

    Author: Megha Malik


    As a passionate entrepreneur and creative brand consultant with experience of 14 years in digital, branding and packaging industry, it is my honest effort to put my experiences and knowledge of industry towards readers. A chartered accountant by degree but a marketing personality in blood has motivated her to take in designing industry as a career. With her fun-loving personality and sharp branding skills, she is a great motivational speaker on her YouTube channel, an active member in various business channels offline as well as online. Do connect me personally via my LinkedIn and I love to share my expertise with you.

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